Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Crypt Of Reason – Creation of Despair

When it comes to the metal scene from Eastern Europe, people often pay the most attention to countries like Ukraine and Russia, but they never pay...

Touhou Tuesday #97


Aesir - La Estirpe del Sol Vuelve a Resurgir

Aesir is a Nazi black metal band from Argentina. Unlike all those Nazi black metal bands that emerge from Slavic countries, this one actually makes...

Monday, 4 November 2013

I'm A Metalhead Description

We support signed and unsigned bands of all types of metal \m/\m/ underground to mainstream bands and we do our best to promote as many bands that seem...

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Interview: Delete The Mass

Delete The Mass is one of my favorite new grindcore bands. I especially love their full-length debut. I wanted to know more about them, so I decided to...

Hospice – Irreparableness

One year after the release of their demo Contraries, Belarusian death metal band Hospice released their first and only full-length album, Irreparableness....

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