Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Aesir - La Estirpe del Sol Vuelve a Resurgir

Aesir is a Nazi black metal band from Argentina. Unlike all those Nazi black metal bands that emerge from Slavic countries, this one actually makes a lot of sense, as a whole bunch of Nazis fled to Argentina after World War II. This one-man band has been around for a while, but I didn't discover it until the release of their third full-length album, La Estirpe del Sol Vuelve a Resurgir. Let's see what this guy is all about, shall we?

The first thing I love about this album is that it has that classic 90s black metal production. It sounds nice and fuzzy. It's quite raw and exudes a cold, chilling atmosphere. The music itself also has a strong 90s vibe. The drums stick to playing simple mid-paced rhythms to make it feel as though you're marching through the snow. They also play some blast beats on occasion to keep the music from getting monotonous. I also like how prominent the bass is. That's quite rare in black metal. This prominent bass helps make the music sound extra thick.

The vocals consist of a sinister rasp. They don't have any reverb, but they still sound just fine. Normally, I'm unable to enjoy black metal vocals unless they're shrouded in reverb, but he manages just fine without it. As for the guitars, they just scream 90s. They have a tone that sounds like it came from the Blazebirth Hall and they play a lot of grand, sweeping tremolo riffs. I guarantee you that the guitars will make any 90s black metal fan cream his pants in delight.

Although I hate the band's Nazi ideology, I love their music. It's pure 90s worship. The vocals are wonderfully sinister and the guitars are grand and atmospheric. If you ignore all the Nazi bullshit, then you'll be in for some great black metal.


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