Friday, 16 November 2012

Carnophage – Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare

Great death metal scenes emerge in the unlikeliest of places. America and Europe are pretty much a given. Death metal is bound to flourish in those countries. Much less so in Asia. Who would have guessed that a vibrant brutal death metal scene would emerge in Indonesia? Now we have seen the emergence of another great death metal scene, this time in Turkey. Sure, Turkey is more tolerant than other muslim countries, but seeing a great death metal scene emerge there is still a great surprise. Of all the bands in this scene, one of my favorites is Carnophage.

Carnophage released their debut album on Unique Leader Records, which is well-known for releasing fantastic brutal death metal. Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare continues that long tradition. The musicianship is impeccable. To say the riffs are killer would be an understatement. Not only are they brutal, they are intricately and meticulously designed, like the walls of the Topkapi Palace. Where as most brutal death metal bands utilize the breakdown, Carnophage uses solos instead. They utterly rip and tear, but they also have a hint of melody to them. They sort of sound like something Necrophagist would make.

The growls don't really have a lot of range, but when it comes to music like this, that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether or not the growls sound brutal, and Carnophage manages to pull that off just fine. The drums are utterly punishing. The number of complex fills on this album is utterly absurd. Not since Lille Gruber have I seen so many fills. The double bass may be triggered, but the blasts are so amazing I'll let that slide. I let Pete Sandoval get away with using double bass triggers, so why not Carnophage?

My only problem is that the production sounds too clean. However, I think this works in their favor. If this album had a muddy production, there would be no way you would hear the minute details of every single riff. Deformed Future//Genetic Nightmare is an incredible brutal death metal album filled with amazing musicianship and belongs on every death metal fan's shelf. I just wish these guys would release something new. It's been four years now. Let's just hope they don't end up like Necrophagist and not release anything for almost a decade.


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