Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Raw Moon – Demo I

Raw Moon was recommended to me a few days ago, and I thank that man for recommending these guys to me. This demo maybe only eight minutes long, but it's packed full of dark and magnificent violence.

Raw Moon plays a combination of black metal and hardcore. I don't like hardcore, but I love this. The drums play a mix of black metal blast beats and hardcore rhythms. Both styles are extremely well-played and the hardcore influence doesn't feel contrived at all. The vocals consist of a black metal scream that sounds positively frightful and perfectly matches the frantic nature of the music. The guitars play hardcore riffs with a touch of the black metal sound. During the fast parts, they sound quite similar to grindcore. As I said before, I don't like hardcore, but I like what they've done here. The riffs they play are both aggressive and infectious.

This demo is a brilliant mix of black metal and hardcore. It's unholy and violent and definitely deserves your attention.


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