Saturday, 17 November 2012

Habitual Defilement – The Redemption of Past Supremacy

Habitual Defilement is an international brutal death metal band, consisting of members from Germany and America. Isn't the internet grand? The musicians may have never met in person, yet they are still able to make music together. These guys got together online and recorded The Redemption of Past Supremacy this year. Let's listen!

This is slam, pure and simple. On occasion, they will play some brutal tremolo riffing and bits of technical flair with rapid blasts accompanying them, but a large portion of the album still remains slam. The vocals are deep and guttural and they sing praises to Devourment. The guitars play simple down-tuned chords, but they still have lots of groove to them. The drums play slow and simple rhythms, but they still manage to squeeze out some great blasts.

Habitual Defilement may not play original music, but they know their audience and they know how to cater to their wishes. They play simple, barbaric slam and they're sticking to it!


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